Engineering Design / Modeling, Fabrication Drawing, Bill of Material Generation Software for Aboveground Storage Tanks
AMETank is a software program that can be used to design aboveground storage tanks to API-650, API-620, & API-653. It can be used to design new tanks per API-650, API-620, or UL-142. It can also be used to evaluate/re-rate existing tanks as part of a Mechanical Integrity or Tank Inspection Program in accordance with API-653. AMETank is the only software that includes both API-650 & API-620 plus API-653 so a wide variety of tanks can be designed using AMETank. This versatility is very important and unmatched for an engineer involved in tank design or inspections.
AMETank enables rapid configuration, design, and detailing of above-ground shop built and/or field erected Storage Tanks
Design calculations conform to API 650, API 620, UL 142, and AWWA.
AMETank supports design calculations for shell courses, floors, roofs and structures for multi-bay configurations. Calculations includes seismic, internal and external pressures and wind loadings
AMETank combines the engineering capability of ETank2000 with the 3D Modeling & Drafting capabilities of AMTank. With AMETank, you will be able to design a tank like you can with Etank2000 and perform all of the code calculations. Then you can add details like ladders and platforms, and then create a complete set of fabrication drawings automatically by clicking a button. The base version of AMETANK is equivalent to ETank2000 except it will have SI units, 3D Modeling, ladders & platforms, and a couple new roof types. The base version of AMETANK will perform all of the calculations, but it will not generate the fabrication drawings. You will have to purchase the full program to be able to generate drawings. AMETank is courtesy Eware Inc., USA and Technosoft USA.
CORE global is the official marketer/distributor of AMETank in Africa.