

One of our CORE area of strength is Training. We have top-notch training facility and a strong netwrok of experienced facilittators across the globe. With our presence spanning a decade in the Oil and Gas Industry, we have demonstrated our strong commitment to capacity building and human development with our membership with the Oil and Gas Trainers Association, nine (9) years ago and several trainings organized thus far.

The following are some of our clients which we have trained for in the past ten years:

  • CAKASA Engineering Services Limited
  • Deltaafrik Engineering Limited
  • SAHARA Bulk Storage Facilities Limited
  • DIVCON Engineering Limited
  • Listuso Engineering Nigeria Limited
  • TLD Global Services Limited
  • Engineers from Chevron Nigeria Limited, West African Ventures WAV, Nigerdock, and other major Oil and Gas Firms in Nigeria. 

In 2011, in partnership with Litesol Consultancy, we trained over thrity engineers from NNPC – NETCO, PPMC, KRPC, PHRC and WRPC on Engineering Design of Aboveground Storage Tanks from First principles and using Etank2000 Software. 

CORE Global orgainizes API Preparatory Classes for API 510 (Pressure Vessels); API 653 (Aboveground Storage Tanks), API 570 (Piping); we also train engineers on 

  • Pipe Stress Analysis from First Principles and using CAESAR II
  • Engineering Design of Pressure Vessels & Aboveground Storage Tanks from First Principles, to ASME VIII/Api 650 Codes and use of Software AMETank/AMEPreVa, PVElite to design Tanks/Pressure Vessels

For details of our API Preparatory Courses and other Our Training Program for the year, check out our calendar.

Module 1

GLocal Trainings on Pressure Vessel Design and Analysis Design by Formula

Module 2

Local Training Mechanical Design of Aboveground Storage Tanks

Module 3

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